Happy New Year & National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Give Way to Freedom had a strong end to 2024 and is excited to continue our impactful work with our Rapid Response Support System, course trainings, projects, and research. As we move into 2025, we are excited to explore new ways to make positive change by more directly addressing risk factors and vulnerabilities to trafficking. We are looking forward to our annual board meeting, in January, to strategize around how we can further advance our mission of advocacy, care, and empowerment into the prevention arena.


The RRSS assisted five adult female clients this past quarter, all services within wrap-around plans coordinated by our Vermont state case managers and filling gaps other agencies had barriers to providing. This level of help speaks to the elevation of the multi-disciplinary approach we have been building in Vermont for the past decade. We of course are and can always act as a stand-alone program, but it is wonderful that we can also play a valuable and needed supportive role in the lives of survivors.


Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier

On October 17th, Edith moderated a Continuing Legal Education Session facilitated by Courtney Albert, LMHC, M.Ed., M.A., and our board member Heather Ross, J.D., and it was also graciously attended by fellow board member Deborah Volk, J.D. The session covered context as to what human trafficking is, a comprehensive legal overview, an explanation of the totality of the victim experience, case examples, and the potential role the pro bono attorneys can play in a trauma-informed manner to create better outcomes for their clients.

Victim Impact Panel, Albany, NY

In mid-November, Edith was asked back to the courtroom of Honorable Joshua Farrell in the Albany County Court Domestic Violence Unit to speak to perpetrators convicted of domestic violence. This year, she chose to focus again primarily on what human trafficking is, the victimization and trauma it creates, and how vulnerabilities to trafficking can stem from intersections with other forms of abuse, such as childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, and intimate partner violence. She also included a section on labor trafficking acknowledging workers’ rights because system-involved individuals can be exploited due to their decrease in work and housing options.

Partnership with Freedom Insight (formerly Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition)

Give Way to Freedom is excited to continue our partnership with the team at Freedom Insight. Our aligned philosophies and missions in this work make us both stronger when we collaborate. Edith and Betty Ann Hagenau presented in San Antonio at the ALEAN (Airport Law Enforcement Agencies Network) conference on the importance of airport personnel being trained and informed on human trafficking utilizing a three-realm holistic approach. This approach includes training, protocol optimization, which also encompasses consistent and appropriate messaging, and law enforcement engagement so there is collaboration amongst the various jurisdictions and community partners. We enjoyed our time with this group and have been asked to return for a phase two at their May 2025 conference in Denver.

University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine Public Health Community Advisory Board

Over the years, Give Way to Freedom has mentored five UVM Larner College of Medicine student-lead public health research projects. Given this work, Dr. Jan Carney asked if we could participate in the Public Health Community Advisory Board, which helps steer public health education; a multi-faceted group of professionals, including healthcare providers, professors, and community partners, held a lively discussion on the positive changes and improvements that can be made in public health education.

Thank you for keeping current with our anti-trafficking work and your support of Give Way to Freedom! Please consider a donation – click here.

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